
Development of Hypnapod


Hypnapod was conceived in 2015 by David Patman, Michelle Boyde, Matt Warren and Jason James, and has evolved from initial prototypes through lab testing and live events through partnerships with Dr Jenny Underwood (RMIT University), GovHack and MPavilion.

Early design of free-standing framework for hanging pod, February 2015

Early design of free-standing framework for hanging pod, February 2015

Testing ceiling-based rig for 'GovHack' in July 2015

Testing ceiling-based rig for 'GovHack' in July 2015

Detail of pods during testing at GovHack, July 2015

Detail of pods during testing at GovHack, July 2015

During testing of hanging pods manufactured from circus silk, July 2015

During testing of hanging pods manufactured from circus silk, July 2015

Developing and testing heart syncing technlogy

The initial system used simple light-based pulse sensors and Arduino processors to monitor heart rates. Further development has seen the use of more stable and less intrusive ballistograhic sensors, combined with Raspberry Pi mini-computers designed by Richie Cyngler.

4 minute video documenting development of heart-syncing technology during 2015-16

Developing 3D knitted pods at RMIT

Knitted pod prototyping at RMIT University (School of Fashion and Textiles) involved exploring a combination of milano and rib knits for a balance of strength and contour, and shaping techniques.   Once we had the CAD program correct, and after some serious sampling, we used a  Japanese Shima Seiki flat bed knitting machine to knit, before using a vintage linking machine to join the panels.